The Kohler's

This blog is about our family! I hope to share with you some of our many adventures, photographs and day-to-day happenings!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Big Cedar 2007

These are from our annual trip to Big Cedar with my parents, sister and her family. It was so fun! We rented a house so we had tons of room. The boys loved the playgrounds and swimming pools. Everything is kind of expensive there so we did a lot of cooking in the house. One night my dad took the older boys to get ice cream. Ramsey chose a shake. Mommy said no because it was too expensive. Poppy said yes and then saw that they cost $5.95. We made sure Ramsey ate every bit of it (well the baby in Mommy's tummy helped him out a bit!) We rented a boat one day and did some tubing. Brody tubed with Daddy, as did Avery (who fell in and was dragged under the water a bit - mommy jumped in to "save" him - he wore a life jacket - he was fine - just scared). Daddy had him on it again by the end of the day. Ramsey tubed by himself - quite a stud! They also played mini golf every day. Avery was quite the golfer - maybe that will be his sport!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Savannah Trip

These pics are from our annual "Girls Weekend". This year we went to Savannah, GA. The ladies consist of my aunts, cousins and mom. My cousin Heather and I are both pregnant (due 8 weeks apart) so I'm sure we were a sight! We went to Paula Dean's restaurant and also to Hilton Head. It was a great time!

Ramsey t-ball

This was Ramsey's first season of t-ball. I had no idea how much time it would take! We spent April practicing and May/June with at least on, often two games a week! Multiply that by 4 boys - we will never be home! Avery spent his time playing at the nearby park and Brody spent his time trying to run onto the field. Mommy tried to watch the games while chasing wild children around the ball field! Daddy helped coach!

Avery's 4th Birthday

These are from Avery's 4th birthday. Superman was the theme! It was warm enough to swim so that was super cool!

Ramsey's Preschool Graduation

These are from Ramsey's preschool Graduation. My little boy is growing up!

Ramsey's 5th Birthday

These are from Ramsey's 5th birthday. Hot Wheels was the theme this year! Lots of fun!